Active Transportation Plan

CONNECT NAKUSP - Nakusp's Active Transportation Network Plan

After completing the NABS Active Transportation Plan project, the Village’s next step is to develop an active transportation network plan within the village.   In mid-2024, the Village was successful with a grant application for an Active Transportation Network Planning grant.  Other project funding comes from the Nakusp and Area Community Forest (NACFOR) Legacy Fund, Regional District of Central Kootenay (RDCK) Area K funding, and in-kind efforts of suppliers, contractors and volunteers.

The Village has contracted True North Forestry Consulting to prepare the Network Plan. The project's endpoint is to create an overall network plan made up of logical interconnecting routes linking destinations in and around the Village. The accompanying drawings will be used to implement grant funding applications and guide construction.

For more information, please see the project page.

Active Transportation Plan Survey

Project Page - True North Forestry Consulting

Nakusp & Area Bike Society

In March 2022, Council supported the Nakusp and Area Bike Society (NABS) in applying for funding to develop an Active Transportation Plan.  Funds were awarded through the Infrastructure Canada Active Transportation Fund. The plan was adopted during a Council meeting on September 23, 2024. 

Active Transportation Plan (NABS)