CAO’s Corner

Wayne Robinson, CAO Village of Nakusp

We Want You to Hear From Us!

A common comment I hear from people is: ‘I didn’t hear anything about that’.  Reaching you with information is one of the most challenging tasks we face.  There has never been so many ways to get information out there, but that is the problem.   In addition to newspaper, radio, and tv, we now have websites, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, YouTube… and so on.  

I would like to hear how you what to hear from us; please complete the survey linked below.  It should take you less than 2 minutes to complete and it will give us valuable feedback.

If you could respond by May 30, we will truly appreciate your response.

We are considering new means of reaching you:

Voyent Alert! – this tool is used for communicating emergencies, we have already signed up to use it independent of the RDCK… but did you know we can use it to send you notifications about village events, service disruptions, and changes to schedules?  We can reach you directly through your cell phone, landline or email account  All you have to do is sign up (follow the link).  If you need help, stop in at the Village Office.

Newsletter – While working elsewhere in BC, I arranged for monthly newsletters to be sent directly to residents’ mail boxes.  It was a great way to give people a reminder about what’s happening that month.  However, how often do you want to receive newsletters is a question I hope you can answer.

Community Cafes – What’s better than sitting down over a cup of coffee and having a 1 on 1 chat with Village staff or Council?  Now that COVID appears to be behind us, we can arrange for annual to semi-annual opportunities for this to occur.  We’ll provide the coffee, you provide the topics to discuss.

If you have any suggestions of other ways we can reach you, please let me know.

All past blog posts are attached to the bottom of this page. If you need help finding a particular post please feel free to contact me at