
Use Village Garbage Bags, And We’ll Pick Them Up

Once a week, residential curbside garbage pickup is available within the village. Village garbage bags for residential garbage are available for purchase from most retail outlets in town and the Village office. Residential garbage is picked up on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Please refer to the garbage collection map to see what day garbage is picked up in your neighbourhood.

The Village of Nakusp provides a pay-as-you-go residential curbside waste collection service.  Instead of issuing an annual bill for garbage pickup with a flat fee for the service, the Village sells garbage bags. The cost of the bags includes the fee for the collection service. Residents may put out as much or as little garbage as they wish and only pay for the amount of the service they use. 

Changes to the garbage collection system have been implemented to prevent garbage from being left out overnight and to minimize ripped-up bags.  Garbage left out overnight attracts wildlife such as bears, raccoons, rats, etc. See more under Garbage Pick-Up Requirements,

Garbage Collection Map

Holiday Schedule for Garbage: 

If the holiday falls on Monday, garbage will be picked up on the next business day.

If the holiday falls on a Wednesday, it will be picked up the following Friday.

If the holiday falls on Friday, garbage will be picked up on the Wednesday prior.