Street Lights

Keeping You Safe

The Village owns and maintains a small decorative lighting area on Columbia Crescent and along Broadway Street, but the rest of the street lights within the village belong to BC Hydro.

If you have an issue with the street lights shining onto your property or into your windows, please take photos and submit them to the Village of Nakusp, Attention Director of Operations.  Please note that BC Hydro street lights do not provide shades for light standards, and the angle of the light can only be adjusted by 5 degrees. 

Reporting a Street Lighting Problem

Should you experience issues with a street light, please report the problem to Public Works and we will see that it is fixed! If the street light is owned by the Village, the repairs will be completed by Village staff.  If the street light belongs to BC Hydro, we will register your report with the BC Hydro Street Lighting Information System, and a work request will be generated.  BC Hydro staff will respond within ten business days.